Due to their dependence on the labor market, villages in the Mayan community such as Laguana and San Marcos are getting the worst of the COVID-19 restrictions, and their farmers are at a great disadvantage.
Axiory has teamed up with Julian Cho and based on their advice we are donating BZ$15,000 to provide a steady amount of basic-need products for the Maya villages, on a weekly basis. The list includes corn, beans, flour, soap, and more products which can help the citizens get through the upcoming weeks, until restrictions are lifted and they can once again depend on farming and exports.
The Julian Cho Society is a fiduciary registered NGO named after Julian Armando Cho. The organization is actively involved in supporting the citizens, not only through direct donations, but by providing the villagers with corn and beans, two ingredients which are widely used to make a variety of dishes and keep the families afloat.
Alcaldes and chairpersons of the NGO will identify those greatly impacted by the pandemic, and following COVID-19 measures, distribute the goods.
Axiory has been actively involved in COVID-19 relief efforts in Belize and we’ve teamed up with multiple associations, putting our trust in their experience and expertise to use the donations for those in need. All donations are taken from our allocated budget for charitable purposes.
Anyone who would like to help the Julian Cho Society and the Maya villages during the COVID-19 crisis can donate here.