How to Install Autochartist
Autochartist is a plug-in for both MetaTrader 4 and cTrader.
Below, is how you can install it.
Autochartist for Windows
1. Choose your language and download the plug-in here:
- English and run the windows installer
- Spanish and run the windows installer
- Russian and run the windows installer
- Italian and run the windows installer
- Chinese and run the windows installer
- Indonesian and run the windows installer
- Thai and run the windows installer
- Vietnamese and run the windows installer
2. Click “Next” on Autochartist the MT4 expert advisor setup
3. Accept the license agreement & click “Next”
4. Select a platform on which you want Autochartist to be installed
5. (If your platform is not on the list Click on "Add additional")
6. Click “Next” and then click “Install”
7. Click “Finish” after the installation process is completed
8. Relaunch your MT4 platform
Autochartist for Mac
1. Download this file
2. Open the terminal (cmd + space and type in “Terminal”)
3. Copy & paste the following command into the terminal and hit “Enter”
If you are using OS X 10.9 or later:
“defaults write AppleShowAllFiles -boolean true; killall Finder”
If you are using OS X 10.8 or earlier:
"defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE; killall Finder”
4. At this point, hidden files and folders should become visible
5. Open “Macintosh HD” → “Users” → “Your username” → “Library”
(right-click and select open in new tab) → “Application Support”
→ “com.AxioryGlobal.MT4_123456” → “drive_c”“Program Files”
→ “Axiory MetaTrader 4” → “MQL4”
6. Copy & paste your downloaded file “MQL4” with the indicator to
folder (replace the MQL4 folder with the new downloaded one)
7. Restart the MT4 and it should work now
8. You can find Autochartist under “Expert Advisors” in the navigator window
At this point you need to enable web requests by following these steps:
1. Click on “Tools” in the menu item
2. Click “Options”
3. Click “Expert Advisors” tab
4. Autochartist should be now ready for you to use in your MT4 platform